Tuesday, 24 July 2012

How to Defend Your Choice to Be Childless

How to Defend Your Choice to Be Childless
Children can be a source of joy for all families. It can be difficult for your relatives to understand if you have chosen not to have any - there can be many reasons. You may have made your decision and feel very comfortable with it - but your family hounds you at every gathering with "When are you going to give me grandkids?" or "What are you guys waiting for - you've been married five years!" But they're your family (or friends). Keeping compassion for your family while standing by your choice can be tough, but hopefully these suggestions will help.


Remember that your family loves you. Though the endless questions and coaxing can be wearing after awhile, the reason they badger you is that they love and want the best for you; keeping this foremost in your mind as you answer for the thousandth time can help keep you sane.

Be firm. If you don't want to continue answering for the next 25 years, you must stand firm to your choice. If you are married, tell your spouse to take the same kind but firm position as yours (get your story straight and stick to it). Being squishy and avoiding a direct answer will only give your relatives hope that you will recant one day. Say something very direct, like, "I know you may not agree or understand, but we've made the decision not to have any children. We'll let everyone know if we ever change our minds."

Give them a reason only if you wish to. The reasons for your decision are your own. You should feel compelled to explain only if you are comfortable and wish to divulge this information to your friends and family. If you don't want to tell them, don't. You don't need to justify your decision to anyone.

Allow them their feelings of disappointment or grief. Maybe you're the last son, and therefore the family's last hope to carry the family name forward to a new generation. If you have no children, your family line will end with you. This can create a lot of pressure for you, and a lot of lost dreams for your family should you choose not to have any children. Or maybe you're a woman who has simply decided that she does not wish to be a mother. Whatever your reasons are, compassionately understand that your family has dreamed of holding your children since you were a child yourself. Allow your family to grieve for their loss (yes, it is authentic grief, a loss to them of a kind) - you're not the only member of your family, and if you value your relationship with them, you must allow them their authentic sorrow. Your decision does affect them. You are entitled to live as you see fit, however, and the fact that they will be sad should not make you feel that you should become a parent if that is not what you want for your life.

Remind them that having children should be a unanimous decision. If there is any disagreement about whether or not to have children between the couple, the decision to remain child-free should prevail. Children should be brought only into homes that welcome, want and cherish them without reservation.

Give careful and honest consideration to all suggestions. If you are dead set against having children, and, for example, you are the last surviving son in your family, unless your family has a history of congenital disease or insanity, it wouldn't hurt you to hear them out if they come to you with suggestions for compromise. There may be a family suggestion as to how to carry on the family's name (you can always suggest that your sister allow her children to carry your family name instead of her husband's, for example). If you are a daughter whose family continues to press for grandchildren, this can also be particularly hard for your family to accept (all women should want children, right? So if you don't, they can have a tough time getting on board), and they may have all sorts of ideas to persuade you. You don't have to do this at every gathering, but at least give your family's thoughts an honest hearing, and consider their suggestions - it will go a long way toward them feeling less hurt and also let them feel that they had their say in the matter. There is nothing that says you must take any of their advice or suggestions. Just remember that it's your life, not theirs, and they won't have the responsibility of any progeny of yours - you will.


Correct anyone who refers to you as "childless." Say that you like to think of yourselves as "child free".

Research this topic on the web. There are many child free websites and books in the stores. The quickest way to disarm any attack on your character is to demonstrate that you know more on this topic than they do, and having an educated answer for all their questions. For example, if they call you selfish, you may wish to remind them that some people have children for selfish reasons.

Being firm early on, and then letting it be known that you really don't wish to discuss it further will make it less likely that they will pester you at every family gathering.

If all else fails, make an announcement at a holiday dinner: "I know you're all wondering why we aren't pregnant yet. Or why we don't adopt. Or whatever. We want you to know that we love you all, but having children is a very personal decision for a couple, and we have decided against it, at least for now. Every time you ask us about it, it really pressures us, and we're asking that you don't any more. Please. If there ever comes a time when we decide differently, you will be the first to know." After all, if they can't take a hint, then you shouldn't worry about them getting a little miffed by your taking matters into your own hands and being very blunt.

Notice that most examples given include "for now" or "for the time being" in them. Even if you have made up your mind, this works a lot better than just saying flatly, "it's never going to happen, give it up." Saying "for now", gives them the impression that you haven't completely made up your mind forever, and it will mollify them somewhat. If you state it in very final terms, unless you wish to say something like "I've had a vasectomy, that's the end of it" there will very likely be a lot of hysteria you will have to deal with. Avoiding that is a good thing.

There's good thinking in the old saying "never say never." Although you may believe you've made up your mind once and for all, you are a very different person at age 30 than at 20, at age 40 than at 30. Things - and people - do change over time. Things you thought you would never do, you find yourself doing easily. If you are firm, but leave the door the tiniest crack open, you will not have to eat a lot of your words later on. If you say, "Our decision to stay child free for the time being is very firm. If we make a different decision later on, we'll let you know; in the meantime, please don't ask us any more." it lets them know you don't want to discuss it further, but does leave an escape valve (which may actually serve to relieve pressure on you as well as on them).


Even taking the small compassionate step of saying "for now" or "For the time being" may allow some small sense of hope to remain. Most people will allow that small hope to fade as the years pass and you still have no children. But there are some who will cling to that hope, and continue to badger you from time to time. It's then that you should firmly and bluntly say, "We made our decision a long time ago. We're very comfortable with it, and wish you could be, too. We're not going to change our minds, and we'd appreciate it if you would stop asking now."

How to Be Good at Improvisation

    1 Often in improvisation you will be given a topic. Make sure that whatever your topic is you stay true to it and don't stray!
    2 Don't try to be too funny. Yes, some slightly amusing words will get a laugh, but don't lose a good story by trying to be too funny!
    3 Act natural, talk, act and sit like a normal person would (Unless, of course your character requires you to act differently.
    4 Have fun, often improvement is quite scary.
    5 Don't reject what the other actor beside you is saying. If they say, I'm the best soccer player ever! Then don't cut them off and say, really? I thought you were a gymnast!

    One key word for improvisation is "enjoy".

    Don't try to be too funny.


EDP adalah minyak wangi yang mempunyai kepekatan campuran sekitar 8-15%.

EDP mempunyai ketahanan antara 8 hingga 24jam. Ada juga yang mampu bertahan lebih daripada 3hari. Ianya sesuai digunakan untuk ke majlis formal atau makan malam.

EDT  ialah minyak wangi yang mempunyai kepekatan sekitar 4-8%. Ianya sesuai digunakan untuk kegunaan harian seperti ke pejabat.

Harganya hampir sama dengan EDP dan berketahanan 6-8 jam selepas semburan. Ianya sama seperti EDP dalam segala aspek kecuali pada tahap kepekatan minyak wangi tersebut. Minyak wangi ini baunya lebih ringan dan EDP pula lebih pekat.

Tahap ketahanan minyak wangi tidak bergantung kepada kepekatan semata-mata. Ianya bergantung kepada gred minyak wangi tersebut. Semakin tinggi gred minyak wangi tersebut semakin lama minyak wangi itu bertahan.

Secara umum EDP bertahan lebih lama daripada EDT kerana ianya lebih pekat. Tetapi tahap ketahanan antara EDP dan EDT hampir sama bagi gred minyak wangi yang sama.

Kerana itulah lazimnya apabila anda pergi ke tempat minyak wangi mereka akan mengatakan EDP bertahan lebih lama berbanding EDT sedangkan tahap ketahanan hampir sama kecuali sedikit sahaja.

Dengan penjelasan ini, diharap anda dapat membezakan jenis minyak wangi dan ketahanan minyak wangi.

Tip memakai minyak wangi.

Apabila anda memakai minyak wangi, semburkan ia pada nadi anda seperti di lengan anda, leher anda belakang lutut anda, ketiak anda dan sebagainya.

Jangan gosok nadi anda antara satu sama lain seperti apabila anda calit pada tangan kiri, anda gosokkan ia dengan tangan kanan kerana ia akan menghilangkan bau minyak wangi tersebut.

Semburkan minyak wangi ke udara dan anda berjalan pada arah semburan tersebut. Ia akan membantu minyak wangi tersebut bersatu dengan bau badan anda.

Jangan semburkan minyak wangi terus pada leher anda. Sebaiknya panaskan badan anda kerana bau minyak wangi akan lebih menyerlah bersama dengan suhu badan anda. Letakkan sedikit minyak wangi pada baju dalam anda/ bra kerana ianya akan menyerap masuk ke dalam kapas pada bra tersebut.

Jenis minyak wangi yang sesuai mengikut situasi.

Tahukah anda bahawa setiap minyak wangi mempunyai jenis mereka yang tersendiri. Anda perlu mengetahui jenis apa yang sesuai dengan diri anda untuk dipakai oleh anda ketika anda berada di pejabat atau ketika anda berada di majlis formal.

EDP atau Eau De Parfum biasanya dipakai di majlis-majlis formal seperti majlis tari-menari dan juga dipakai ketika anda berada dalam majlis perkahwinan atau anda sendiri merupakan seorang pengantin.

EDP akan melahirkan sifat sensual dan feminin bagi orang perempuan. Ini sekaligus membuatkan kaum Adam berasa sangat tertarik pada anda.

Bagi lelaki pula, ianya akan memberikan rasa keyakinan yang tinggi kepada lelaki tersebut sehingga menyebabkan lelaki tersebut nampak gah serta bergaya.

EDT atau Eau De Toilette pula biasanya dipakai di kawasan pejabat atau ketika anda mahu keluar rumah seperti ke pasar atau ke shopping mall. Baunya yang lembut menyebabkan ianya sesuai dipakai di pejabat dan ketika di luar rumah. Ia juga lebih manis dan lebih menyenangkan.

Tidak terlalu kuat dan tidak pula terlalu lembut. Hanya sederhana. Dengan tips ini, anda bolehlah memilih minyak wangi yang sesuai dengan diri anda dan menggunakannya sesuai dengan situasi yang anda hadapi.

Bagaimana untuk membuat minyak wangi tahan lama?

Rahsia untuk minyak wangi tahan lama ialah "pelapisan minyak wangi". Lapiskan bau minyak wangi anda dengan pelbagai bentik atau jenis minyak wangi yang sama seperti sabin, minyak mandi, gel,losyen krim,bedak dan minyak wangi itu sendiri.

Setiap satunya akan saling menguatkan antara satu sama lain malah kadang kala ia meningkat sehingga 3-4 kali ganda ketahanan minyak wangi anda.

Pelapisan atau "fragrance dressing" adalah satu cara yang baik bukan sahaja untuk ketahanan minyak wangi malah untuk mengurangkan bau minyak wangi yang terlalu kuat untuk penggunaan seharian.

Kaedah kedua ialah dengan meletakkan minyak wangi anda di tempat yang sejuk seperti peti ais kerana minyak wangi akan bertahan lebih lama dan baunya akan lebih kuat pada tempat bersuhu 3-7 darjah celcius.

Dengan tips ini, saya berharap anda dapat memanfaatkan sepenuhnya dan bergembira bersama minyak wangi anda dan dengan orang yang tersayang.